🗓️Distribution & Vesting

The total supply of $ELFIN token is 1,000,000,000

  • 27% of which belongs to investors and participants in public round. The vesting schedule varies based on the tranches and follows the chart below

  • Team and Advisor own 10% and 5%, respectively, with 6 months cliff and unlock 10% every quarter thereafter

  • 23% of $EFLIN token is allocated for short-term growth, which includes purpose for CEX listing, initial liquidity, marketing, community incentive and partnership synergy. (the specific breakdown for each category will be updated as we approach TGE). 25% of it will unlock upon TGE (token generation event) and be subject to 7.5% quarterly release over 30 months.

  • 20% of $ELFIN tokens will be allocated for the long-term development of the project. This includes 15% for ecosystem projects and 5% for the foundation. It will have 12 months cliff and 10% quarterly release over 30 months.

  • The remaining 15% will be used for mining tokens on user land nodes.

Last updated